ibook battery problems!


Lately I have been having battery issues.

I went to class today to give a flash presentation and I didn't bring my power cord because I was certain that my battery was charged to it's fullest. I booted up and the battery indicater said 100 however, when it was around 97 it went into sleep mode. I tested it later without being hooked up to the projector and it happened again. It has been doing this recently but I always blamed it on something else, like faulty softwawe, but now I believe the problem is the battery. What do you guys think?

Does anybody know what is wrong? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

ibook 700mhz cd/rw osx 10.1 256ram
After about a year, the battery does not fully charge up. You need a new battery.

Anytime you are doing an important presentation, hook up the power cable.
I have only had my ibook for 5 months... can it be dead that soon?? Also, it wasn't a gradual decline it seemed very abrupt one day it just stopped working on the battery. Well, this has been my only problem with this machine so maybe I should count my blessings.

but 5 months?!?
Hmmmm, Go to the system folder>Extensions. Check to see if you have Battery Updater.

I don't think Apple has that as a separate download, so I can send you that file via email.
I couldn't find any battery updater...
what exactly is it supposed to do? will it fix my problem?
if it isn't any trouble that would be great if you emailed me the file.


It got installed on my PB when I upgraded to OS 9. I do have a copy of it on this machine. Just give me your email address and I'll send it as an attachment.

Once it installed on my PB, the battery behaved better.
Originally posted by Cheryl
It got installed on my PB when I upgraded to OS 9. I do have a copy of it on this machine. Just give me your email address and I'll send it as an attachment.

Once it installed on my PB, the battery behaved better.

Check your pm's:)
I'm having the very same problem here. It started a couple of months ago, went into sleep mode at about 85-90% of battery life. Hooked up the power cord and woke it up, it was on 0%. "Pah, weird" I thought.. I've tested it oh so many times, and it now wont last till 95% of battery life. Got my iBook in june, so I really don't think the battery should be wasted by now.

Do you guys think I'll have any luck, asking for a replacement battery?